Death Waltz

Death Waltz

(As published in Disturbed Digest Magazine December 2018) An infinitesimal shaft of light shines through a narrow slat in the wall, like the sunlight is afraid to touch the abysmal box which is my room. I’m grateful for its presence though, since the single bulb...

Go Away. Closer.

Go Away. Closer. ARIA J. WOLFE Poetry Life Spilled thoughts Poem: you are what you think about.  Shattered. Splinters of regret lodge in my chest. My fingers touch the collar of your shirt, but when you lean in I turn away. Blue. Heart crests with hope that...

Shadow and Shayde

SHADOW AND SHAYDE ARIA J. WOLFE Author of The Coalition Series and YA romantic supernatural thrillers Published by The Write Launch Hear the story on Shadow Theatre She’s not heavy—all elbows and knobby knees—but when she’s flailing about like this I can hardly carry...