My Blog

Say The Words (audio)

"Nothing gives away who Rueben is. What he has done." Scarlett has been held captive for 5 years. As freedom comes within reach she must decide if the man who's kept her prisoner is a murderer or simply a victim of his own painful past. A twisted tale of love and...

Party Night

Party Night

Well, The Coalition has been given wings, and it has flown! As of last night, it was officially released into the hands of thousands. My hope is that it will not only be enjoyed, but be one of those novels that make you sigh at the turning of the last page. The kind...

The Coalition Release!

The Coalition (Episode 1 of 4)   The Coalition is being released in four weekly episodes... Just like you look forward to each new episode of your favorite T.V. show, The Coalition Episode 1 is being released beginning April 1, 2014 with another episode to follow...


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